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Grooming Appointments

With over 14 years experience in grooming, I offer friendly and professional service.
Your pets are groomed in the relaxed atmosphere of my home, so they tend to be far more comfortable and happy about the proceedure. I have never used tranquilizers to make a pet more compliant during grooming - I find cuddles and pats seem to do the trick beautifully!

As each grooming varies, depending on the state of the coat (mats etc.) I can not give definite prices until I see your dog or cat. However, some estimates are below:

Small dog (Silky, Yorkie, Toy Poodle)............. $35.00
Medium dog (Cocker, Lhasa)..................$45.00
Large dog (Collie, Shepherd)..............$55.00

Call for an appointment: 519-475-4900